So how many of you have heard "You're only given what you can handle!"?
Well this past 4 months (and counting) I've been to hell and back and there just doesn't seem to be any light at the end of this damn tunnel!
So a brief overview of the past four months that has led to today:
May 18th I got Strep throat, that turned into Facial Cellulitus which almost turned into Meningitis of the brain. What followed was 60 days of IV Therapy, oral antibiotics, pain killers, more Strep, more facial infection, sinus infection and on and on and on!
I went from hospital to DR to hospital to DR & DR & so on, over a dozen DR's in total.
I would go to work with the IV stint still in my hand. It was in for over 4 weeks so it was hard not to just make it a part of my wardrobe.
It's now September 26th and I am STILL sick and on antibiotics!
I have a Tonsillectomy scheduled for October 6th in hopes it will finally cure me!
By the time this is done it will be over FIVE months of day in and day out illness!
Now one might think that that in itself would be enough! BUT oh no, not my life!
Nope, while I struggled with being sick I still try to carry on some semblance of a normal life.
That means working; now FINDING a job, running a household, raising two boys; one with ADHD & the other in the midst of "The terrible two's" and then catching every curve ball thrown my way.
Curve ball #1
Lost my job August 27th
Yup, worked all day, came home, opened the mail and there was a bright and shiny envelope from my company announcing it was closing effective August 31st!
Talk about a shock!
I know know how Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and The City felt when she was dumped by Post It-Note! It SUCKS!!!!
Curve ball #2
Purchased a 2004 minivan off KIJIJI on August 29th as our car was dead and we needed a second vehicle so my husband could work the TWO jobs he's working to keep us afloat while still leaving me with something.
Well.... 3 weeks in and BANG!!!! Blew up! Yup, the $4000 van we ought blew up and is now a shiny $4000 lawn ornament! Needs a new engine worth approx. $6000 WTF???
And in case that's not enough for you here is most shocking one by far!
Curve ball #3
My son was best friends with a little girl all through Kindergarten last year and into first grade this year.
They adored each other and I adored her.
WELL her psycho mom decided that her daughter liked me too much and LONG story short got insanely, lunatic jealous and decided to remove her kid from my sons class, call me a all sorts of names, stopping short of pedophile! She threatened a restraining order if I so much as look at her kid!
All because I give her kid a pat on the head or a hug when she runs up to me, I let her sit with myself and my son during volunteer days and I call her princess!
I'm like a second mom to many of my older son's friends and he has friends moms who also treat them like one of their own.
She even had her older child stalk MY son and myself!!!! CRAZYYYYYY!!!!
Is what I did a crime? NO it's not and I followed the rule CYA and dealt with the police and school first & put a stop it all.
AND a "supposed" great friend of mine knew the whole time that this crazy B$&*H was after me and chose not to tell me because" she felt it was no big deal!"
Are you kidding me? Well I feel it's no big deal we are no longer friends then!
So there you have it! MY summer in a nut shell.I could buy stock in Kleenex they was I've cried these last 4 months!
Do I believe that saying "God (or whomever) only gives you what you can handle."
NO, I think that's a crock of shit! I'm not handling this well, my nerves are beyond frazzled, I'm obviously self imploding!
If I find the "THEY" who say this, "THEY" better run!
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