Tuesday, December 29, 2009

10 years!

Wow how times flies!

It seems just like yesterday I was getting ready for Vancouver with my friend Stan and planning to see KISS on New Years Eve.

Fast forward to today and I have moved countries TWICE, had 2 kids moved to Podunk Strathmore and lost many important people in my life.

I don't think the end of the world happened that night like so many thought would, I think what happened was the end of each chapter of our lives that night.

So much has changed and none could have been conceived!

I have reconnected with Stan via Facebook and lost someone near and dear to my heart that I had seen that very night. Nearly 10 years to the day.
I miss him as much now as I did the day I found out.

New lives and loves created while others ended. I actually lost many people in the last 10 years and I am hoping for new fresh start to the next decade.

So be at peace:
Dale Henry
Aaron Chow
Gene Moore
Rich Gibbons
AND most importantly
my Grandma Shirley Walker.

Isn't it weird how if just ONE thing was different on any given day that your whole world and those around you are forever changed?

Everything happens for a reason sometimes it's just so hard to see why, especially when you are in the thick of it!

Well in 3 days it will b e 2010 and god only knows what it will bring BUT I am betting it can only get better and that things will turn out alright if I just place my faith in a higher being and let the universe take me where I am destined to go.

If nothing else my l34 years of life has taught me it will be a very busy, crazy and interesting ride.

I'm holding on tight! Here I go!

Monday, December 28, 2009

I made it!

I have officially entered the 2000's. I have no idea what I have to say and who if anyone will follow but I think for nothing more then my own sanity and well being it's time to Blog!

Whether you love it or hate it, feel free to follow me and comment.

Also please let me know if you blog and where I can follow you!

Welcome! And HI